Monday, October 26, 2009

Bracket Boys

Over two weekends Larry, Gary and I cut and put together the eave and gable brackets that will hold up the roof overhang. The timber frame doesn't extend out beyond the walls, so we need brackets. They kinda look like the fancy wood posts some folks put their mailboxes on. (For those of you who live in the city, folks who don't (live in the city) have a mail box on a post by the road.)

There are 38 brackets and 16 rafters (including 1 custom bracket in which Gary drilled an extra set of holes in the side before he'd had enough coffee to drink).

All in all it took three grown men about a hour to cut and assemble one bracket. Not much time for fun either weekend, except for the fun of working together (sappy but true). You can see the eve brackets behind Gary in his solo pic. They likda look like toy soldiers all lined up.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mo dirt wok

Huey and two others (one or both of whom live on "Slow Tom Road" -- not sure if one had to drive slow on it or Tom was slow) spent a couple of days diggin and moving dirt around the back of the house. It makes a big difference. Hope Therese likes it.

Friday, October 16, 2009

roof decking

We had 3 good days this week without rain, so we got the 1x6 tongue and groove decking on the rafters.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Frame Done, Time for Roofing and Walls

All the rafters are up, and now if it quit raining we'll start on the roof and windows. Here are some pictures of the completed frame.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Forget the frame, Mickey D's is coming!!

Word on the street is that McDonalds is coming to Huntsville next Spring. Not a big fan of McDonalds, but I like the notion that Mickey thinks Huntsville is big and growing enough for them to build a store.

About Me

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Witter, AR, United States
We are building a timber frame home in a small rural community in Northwest Arkansas. We created this Blog so our family and friends could follow our progress.